My journey into the world of dog training began in 2006. I was changing jobs every few years, but I could not find a job that left me feeling happy and fulfilled. I decided to chase a dream: to get into the animal industry. After some research I choose dog training. I took the plunge; I made a call to Animal Behavior College, talked my best friend into co-signing for my small tuition loan, and never looked back.
I have been blessed with many great mentors who helped me develop, grow, and mature into a responsible adult. Two of the greatest mentors I ever had were Jane and Al Boeck, the original owners of D.O.G. It was my privilege to learn from them, and it was an honor to be entrusted with taking over their business.
I can honestly say that I love what I do, and value the opportunity to chase a passion every day.
I hope that you find the success and enjoyment from Dog Obedience Group like I have. Our team is thrilled to share our enthusiasm and commitment with you every day!